Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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Text File
264 lines
Version 1.62
This program may be copied and distributed
by Bernd Neumann
Member of the German Archimedes Group (GAG)
This program manages directories and programs and
is able to send key-shortcuts to applications.
Started by a double-click, AppBar opens it's application
bar above the icon bar as several fields.
At the top of the screen AppBar opens a display window,
displaying the application that has got the input focus.
Depending on your clicks on the fields or the display
window at the top of the screen, there will be different
Application bar
Bring a new program to the application bar
Dragging a file's or program's icon to one of the fields
on the application bar will insert the file or program
into the desired field.
If the field is already occupied you will be asked if it
should be redefined.
Starting a program
1. Double clicking a program's icon will start the program or
open a directory.
2. Dragging a file's icon (without "!" in it's name) to the field.
3. Dragging the icon to the icon bar.
Open application directories
1. Shift-double click on it's icon.
2. Shift-drag the icon to the icon bar.
3. Click the menu button over it's icon, then go to the submenu
and click 'open'.
4. If the menu item '2nd hand' is active, by double-click-hold.
Remove programs and directories
1. Dragging a new program's icon to the field.
2. Click the menu button over the filename, open the sub menu
and click on 'delete'. This works without asking if you are
really sure, you want to delete the file !
3. Click the menu button over the filename, then click on 'remove'.
This will remove the field and it's contents.
This works without asking if you are
really sure, you want to remove the file !
Copy programs or directories
You can use AppBar to copy files or directories to somewhere
1. Click the select button over the file's icon and drag it to
it's new destination.
2. Click the menu button over the file's icon, open the submenu,
select 'copy' in the submenu and drag the resulting icon to
the new destination.
3. Dragging an icon to a directory's icon on the application bar
copies the corresponding file into that directoriy.
Insert a field
Click the menu button at the position desired, then click on 'insert'.
The new field will pop up to the left of the desired position.
Remove a field
Click the menu button over the field, then click on 'remove'.
This action will remove the field and it's contents without
asking if you are really sure, you want to remove the file !
Display path
Click the menu button over the program's icon, then click on
'path' in the submenu or drag the mouse over 'path'. The cursor
is set to the end of the path string displayed to allow scolling.
Read an application's !Help file
If the menu option 'help' is active, you can read the selected
program's !Help file, if applicable. Otherwise this option is
inactive and greyed out.
Items in the 'Misc' submenu
1. Display
There's a choice between large and small symbols.
Depending on your choice is the size and number of fields.
2. List
Clicking 'list' will produce a text file. Contents is as
follows :
- Number of applications
- App-Name position number
3. Mouse position
Clicking here will open a small window, displaying the X- and
Y-position of the mouse pointer, as well as the icon number.
Move the window with select and adjust. Adjust it's size with
menu. If the window is full size, it will display it's handle
as well.
4. Drag window
If this option is active, you can move any window at any position.
If the option 'background' in the submenu is active as well,
windows can be moved by clicking on the background.
To move a window, you will have to press both select and adjust
at the same time. Once the window is fixed ('hand' symbol dis-
played) you can let one of the buttons go to get the same effect
that you get with 'normal' moves.
5. Waste bin
Clicking this option will display a waste bin on the icon bar.
Dragging icons here will delete the related files.
If the option 'Confirm' is active, you will be asked if you
are really sure you want delete the files.
Clicking adjust over the waste bin's icon will remove it from
the icon bar.
BEWARE ! Waste bin deletes even write protected files.
6. Sound
Clicking here toggles the sound system on and off.
7. 2nd hand
If this option is active a click-click-hold will open a directory.
If you have got the 2ndHand module you will be familiar with it.
2nd hand works with the filer and the application bar.
8. Free RAM
Clicking here opens a small window that will display your free RAM
in kbytes. It may be moved easily.
9. !Help Check
If this option is active, AppBar will check each program for
a !Help file. If one is present, the menu item 'help' is active.
If this option is not active, the menu item 'help' is always
10. RAM Disk
Generate a RAM disk.
All choices as of items 1,4,5 and 7,8,9 will be saved and restored
at the next program start.
Keyboard shortcuts
New program
Click menu over the shortcuts window or the window that has got the
input focus, then click on 'Edit'. The edit window will pop up.
Move the cursor to a field for the new program and enter the program's
name. The name should be the same that is displayed in the task mana-
ger's window when the program is running. Press Return or click OK
when ready.
Enter or edit keyboard shortcuts
Click menu over the shortcuts window or the window that has got the
input focus, then click on 'Edit'. The edit window will pop up.
Move the cursor to the desired program using the cursor keys. If the
desired program is not in the list proceed as described under
'New program' above.
Now move to the desired field and enter or edit the name. Move to
the field for the keyboard code and enter it. The code is displayed
at the right side of the field for your convenience. Click OK when
ready. Move to the next field...etc.
Click on 'Finish' to end your editing session.
Remove or rename program
Click menu over the shortcuts window or the window that has got the
input focus, then click on 'Edit'. The edit window will pop up.
Select a program using select, then click menu and choose 'Rename'
or 'Remove'.
You can't send keyboard codes while the edit window is open.
Click on 'App-List' in the menu to generate a text file with all the
In case of trouble or if you have got ideas to improve my program,
I will be happy to receive your message !
My address:
Bernd Neumann
Kastanienweg 29
06406 Bernburg - Strenzfeld
email benman@t-online.de
October'95 / Bernd
PS: What is Greetingware ?
All users of the program should send a picture
postcard to me. Thank you.
I'm looking forward to your card.
Geschichte / History (not translated)
V0.1 (01-08-95)
erste Testversion ohne Tastenkürzel
V0.5 (08-08-95)
Tastenkürzel wurden eingebunden
Icon können groß und klein dargestellt werden
erkennt Moduswechel
V1.0 (01-09-95
Speichermanagment wurde total überarbeitet
direkter Lese- und Schreibzugriff
neue Speicherroutine
V1.1 (03-10-95)
Routinen zum Erstellen, von App-Liste und Liste der
Programme, eingebaut.
V1.2 (09-10-95)
Unter Misch wurden folgende Erweiterungen programmiert
-Anzeige der Mausposition, Iconnummer, Fensternummer
-Bewegung aller Fenster
-Papierkorb zum einfachen löschen von Dateien
V1.3 (20-11-95)
Unter Misch wurden folgende Erweiterungen programmiert
- 2te Hand zum öffnen von Programmverzeichnissen nur mit der Maus
- RAM Disk zum schnelleren Erstellen dieser
ResFind zur Erkennung der Sprache wurde eingebunden
V1.4 (24-11-95)
Unter Misch wurden folgende Erweiterung programmiert
- RAM Frei zur Anzeige dessen
V1.5 (28-11-95)
Fehlermeldung, wenn Verzeichnisse von fremden Datenträger gebootet
werden, beseitigt !! (nicht 100%ig)
Soetwas passiert, wenn man das Programm weiter gibt und die eigenen
App. noch auf der AppBar sind. Um schnell alle App. und Verz. zu
entfernen kann man im Verzeichnis 'Resources' des Programmverzeich-
nisses die Datei 'pfad' leeren oder auch löschen.
ResFind wurde eingebaut zum mehrsprachigen Einsatz !!
V1.6 (13-12-95)
Abfrage ob eine !Help-Datei vorhanden ist wieder aktiviert und ab
sofort auch abstellbar !
Richtige Größe der RAM-Disc wird jetzt erzeugt.
V1.62 (22-12-95)
Die gewählte Applikationsseite bleibt nach einen Ausflug zum Single-
task oder nach Moduswechsel oder Farbwechsel etc. erhalten. So
erübrigt sich ein eventuelles blättern zur alten Seite.